Here you’ll find an outline for each course offered in LA&PS, complete with:
Dates, times and locations.
The format: Courses can be offered through a traditional online format (ONLN) or a blend of online and interactive components (BLEN)
Prerequisites and co-requisites: If a course requires you to have some previous knowledge, it will list a prerequisite (a course you must take before enrolling) or a co-requisite (a course that must be taken simultaneously).
Course credit exclusions: If a course covers material that is quite similar to another, it will be identified as a “course credit exclusion.” You can enrol in both courses but will only receive credit for one of them.
Access and disability information.
Info about academic honesty and the student code of conduct .
For more course information, contact your department directly.
Browse Current Session (Fall/Winter 2024-2025)
York Courses Website
- Select from list - ADMB - Administrative Studies Bridging ADMS - Administrative Studies ANTH - Anthropology ARB - Arabic ASL - American Sign Language CCY - Children, Childhood and Youth CDNS - Canadian Studies CH - Chinese CLST - Classical Studies CLTR - Culture COGS - Cognitive Science COMN - Communication & Media Studies CRIM - Criminology CWR - Creative Writing DEMS - Disaster and Emergency Management DLLL - Languages, Literatures and Linguistics ECON -Economics EN - English ENTP - Entrepreneurship and Innovation ESL - English as A Second Language FR - French Studies GCIN - Global and Community Internship GER - German GK - Greek GKM - Modern Greek GWST - Gender and Women's Studies HEB - Hebrew HIST - History HND - Hindi HREQ - Human Rights and Equity Studies HRM - Human Resources Management HUMA - Humanities INDG - Indigenous Studies INDV - Individualized Studies IT - Italian ITEC - Information Technology JC - Jamaican Creole JP - Japanese KOR - Korean LA - Latin LING - Linguistics LLS - Language and Learning Seminar MIST - Multicultural and Indigenous Studies MODR - Modes of Reasoning PERS - Persian PHIL - Philosophy POLS - Political Science POR - Portuguese PPAS - Public Policy and Administration Studies PRWR - Professional Writing RU - Russian SOCI - Sociology SOSC - Social Sciences SOWK - Social Work SP - Spanish SPRT - Sport Management SWAH - Swahili SXST - Sexuality Studies TAML - Tamil Language TESL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages URST - Urban Studies WRIT - Writing YDSH - Yiddish - Select from list -
Browse Upcoming Session (Summer 2025)
York Courses Website
- Select from list - ADMB - Administrative Studies Bridging ADMS - Administrative Studies ANTH - Anthropology ARB - Arabic ASL - American Sign Language CCY - Children, Childhood and Youth CDNS - Canadian Studies CH - Chinese CLST - Classical Studies CLTR - Culture COGS - Cognitive Science COMN - Communication & Media Studies CRIM - Criminology CWR - Creative Writing DEMS - Disaster and Emergency Management DLLL - Languages, Literatures and Linguistics ECON -Economics EN - English ENTP - Entrepreneurship and Innovation ESL - English as A Second Language FR - French Studies GCIN - Global and Community Internship GER - German GK - Greek GKM - Modern Greek GWST - Gender and Women's Studies HEB - Hebrew HIST - History HND - Hindi HREQ - Human Rights and Equity Studies HRM - Human Resources Management HUMA - Humanities INDG - Indigenous Studies INDV - Individualized Studies IT - Italian ITEC - Information Technology JC - Jamaican Creole JP - Japanese KOR - Korean LA - Latin LING - Linguistics LLS - Language and Learning Seminar MIST - Multicultural and Indigenous Studies MODR - Modes of Reasoning PERS - Persian PHIL - Philosophy POLS - Political Science POR - Portuguese PPAS - Public Policy and Administration Studies PRWR - Professional Writing RU - Russian SOCI - Sociology SOSC - Social Sciences SOWK - Social Work SP - Spanish SPRT - Sport Management SWAH - Swahili SXST - Sexuality Studies TAML - Tamil Language TESL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages URST - Urban Studies WRIT - Writing YDSH - Yiddish - Select from list -