
AP/MODR1770 6.0 P: Techniques of Persuasion

Offered by: MODR


Winter 2023




ONLN (Fully Online)


Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite

This is a skills-based course focusing on critical thinking, persuasive writing, and strategic argumentation. Examples are drawn from various forms of persuasion including advertising, propaganda and political argument. Course credit exclusions: AP/MODR 1730 6.00, AP/MODR 1760 6.00. Note: This is an approved LA&PS General Education course: Humanities OR Social Science.

Course Start Up

Course Websites hosted on York's "eClass" are accessible to students during the first week of the term. It takes two business days from the time of your enrolment to access your course website. Course materials begin to be released on the course website during the first week. To log in to your eClass course visit the York U eClass Portal and login with your Student Passport York Account. If you are creating and participating in Zoom meetings you may also go directly to the York U Zoom Portal.

For further course Start Up details, review the Getting Started webpage.

For IT support, students may contact University Information Technology Client Services via askit@yorku.ca or (416) 736-5800. Please also visit UIT Student Services or the Getting Help - UIT webpages.

    Additional Course Instructor/Contact Details

David Stamos at dstamos@yorku.ca

    Expanded Course Description

This is a skills-based course which focuses on skills that are essential for most of your university courses (and consequently can be expected to raise your grades in those courses). Specifically this means: conceptual analysis, fallacy analysis, argument structure analysis, premise analysis, essay style.

    Required Course Text / Readings


1) S. Morris Engel (2000). With Good Reason. 6th edition. Bedford/St. Martin’s. ISBN 978-1457695957


This will not be available in the bookstore. The above link is for renting or purchasing a paper copy. There is also a pdf of the book online. We will be using this book in the second quarter of the course.


2) Chris MacDonald and Lewis Vaughn (2016). York University Custom Edition: The Power of Critical Thinking. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-901536-8

The above will be available in the bookstore as a paper copy (make sure you buy the edition for this course). An e-book version will also be available through the bookstore. We will be using this book for the fourth quarter of the course.

    Weighting of Course

Conceptual Analysis Assignment (20%) – due at the end of the first quarter

Fallacy Analysis Assignment or Test (15%) – due at the end of the second quarter

Passage Analysis Assignment (20%) – due at the end of the third quarter

Article Analysis Assignment (25%) – due at the end of the fourth quarter

Participation (20%) – accumulated throughout the duration of the course

    Organization of the Course

This is a fully ONLINE, ASYNCHRONOUS course. What this means is that there are no times, locations, in-person activities, or interactions on campus for any of the lectures or coursework.

The lectures will consist of teaching videos combined with what I call Skeleton Notes. There will not be any tutorials but there will be a weekly discussion forum in which we can all communicate with each other (ask and answer questions, etc.)

There will be a Participation mark, which will consist of viewing the lecture videos within a specified time frame and submitting homework within a specified time frame. All submissions will be to Moodle. There will also be teaching videos taking up the homework.

The major assignments will be due within a specified time frame and will involve deadlines (after which there are late charges). All submissions will be to Moodle. The specific information for those dates and time frames will be specified in the Course Syllabus (which will be on Moodle before the start of the course).

Students should especially be aware that this is a DOUBLE-SPEED course. What this means is that the workload is twice as much per week, but you finish the course in one semester instead of two.

    Course Learning Objectives

The ability to apply to other courses what is learned/acquired in this course.

    Additional Information / Notes

As this is primarily a skills-based course, not primarily a knowledge-based course, much of your learning will be from applications and practice. This is why the Participation grade is 20%. It is relatively easy to get 20/20 for this portion of the course (and even easier to get 0/20 if you don’t put in the time and do what is required). You therefore need to be able to commit yourself to putting in the time and doing the work per week (and again, this is a double-speed course). The asynchronous nature of this course, however, gives you considerable flexibility compared with an in-person course.

    Relevant Links / Resources